Welcome to 2025

The VIRC held its AGM in early January where the executive was appointed for the coming year: Lorne Parker president, Kevin Ashfield vice-president, Linda Page secretary, Amanda Wannop treasurer, and Rick Roberts taking over the picnic trial chair position.

The field trials are set for 2025 starting with the May long weekend in the Comox Valley, June 28-30 in Logan Lake, and September 27-28 at Swallowfield.

Check the VIRC calendar for upcoming training days and picnic trials. You can find all the British Columbia field trials and hunt tests (including HRC) on the BCARTC website.

Congratulations to Bill Pearson and “Tip” for receiving the Molly Moss Trophy for the club member dog earning the most field trial points in the year (any stake). This team also earned the Hi-Point Junior Field Trial Dog in Canada and the BCARTC Hi-Point Junior Dog award.

And thank you to all the volunteers who help throughout the year! Good luck in 2025. Happy training!

May 18-20 Field Trial Recap

Congratulations to all finishers and especially to new title earners, Lynne Johnson “AFTCH” Tsolumside Winging It Again, and Bill Pearson Tsolumside Take Me Just In Case “QFTR”.


The Graham Tyler Memorial Trophy, Saturday Open Stake Winner was Rod Spence & Baypoint Backwater Oscar.

The Bob Harman Memorial Trophy,  for Top Amateur handled dog for the combined two All-Age Stakes was shared between Rod Spence and Lynne Johnson.

The Frank Albany Memorial Trophy, Qualifying Stake Winner was Bill Pearson & Tsolumside Take Me Just In Case

Thank you to the Caldwell family for donating placement awards in memory of John.


Each day the group was treated to onsite lunches. Thank you to ANW Trucking, Forbidden Zone Pizza, and Blackstone Creek Ranch, for your contributions towards the lunches!

Trials are only successful because of the amazing volunteers who help with setup, marshal, judge, make lunches, and the myriad of other tasks – THANK YOU!

Thank you to the National Retriever Club sponsor “GARMIN” for their donation, and congratulations to Lorne Parker as the recipient!


Full trial results can be viewed here : Retriever Results


Join VIRC as it hits the road to Logan Lake for the June 29- July 1 field trial. Entries close June 14. See premium on Canuck Dogs.

Annual Members Meeting January 7, 2024

The VIRC held it’s annual members meeting on January 7, 2024 via Zoom. 17 members attended and celebrated the accomplishments of the club over the past year. A heartfelt thank you was said to Debby Montgomery as retiring Vice President, and to Ian Montgomery as retiring Equipment Manager.

The members welcomed new executive members Kevin Ashfield as Vice President and Amanda Wannop as Treasurer, and thank Linda Page for her continued work as Secretary, Daniel Shnitka as Picnic Trial Chair, and Lorne Parker as President. A welcome to Gary Harrison as incoming Equipment Manager.

The VIRC members chose a hybrid model of training days and picnic trials for 2024. Events will be held at Swallowfield and the Comox Valley. View the calendar of events to find out when the monthly events are happening.

The VIRC resurrected the Molly Moss Memorial Trophy for the VIRC member owned dog that earned the most points in CKC licensed trials in the year. The top dog was “Pink” COOLWATER’S MISSUNDAZTOOD QFTR-JFTR and Dave Douglas. Pink earned 15 points in 10 trials in Qualifying, including two wins. Congratulations Pink & Dave!

Annual Celebration – Winter Olympics

Last Saturday the club hosted the annual Winter Olympics. 20 members and 27 dogs braved the less then ideal weather and had a blast! Dogs and handlers competed in fastest(and slowest) as well as a relay and prizes were awarded for a host of fun things! A big thank you to the organizers, Angela Andersen, Debra Pile, Daniel Shnitka and Linda Page as well as everyone who helped out and/or brought something for the pot luck lunch. And especially thank you to Louise for getting Rick to bring the tent and portable fire pit! A great way to close out an amazing 2023 for the club.

Congratulations to the 2023 NFTCH & NAFTCH!

Congratulations to the 2023 Canadian National Retriever Championship winner and top placing Amateur handler to earn titles of NFTCH and NAFTCH.

Click here to see all the finalists and daily reports from the event.

NFTCH “Floyd” & Amie Henninger

And NAFTCH “River” & Kevin Ashfield

The Vancouver Island Retriever Club was proud to be the host club to the 2023 National Championship in the Comox Valley. Many thanks to the enormous team whose members worked tirelessly, not just over the two weeks of the event but over the last 18 months to bring this event into fruition. A huge feat and huge accomplishment!

In addition, thank you to landowners and sponsors, for who without them events would not take place. Click here to view the official catalogue with the many local and national sponsors who contributed.

May Spring Trials

What a weekend!

Late last year our club made a decision to do a “mini” national in preparation for our event this fall. We reached out to the national judges, booked their flights and set the wheels in motion.

Our club pulled off a 4 day trial with 5 stakes and 20 tests. We had a workers and judges dinner for 25, and full lunches on the grounds every day.

We also gave out 4 new trophies 3 of which are dedicated to long standing members of our club and huge contributors to the Field Trial game as whole:

Bob Harmen- Top Placing Amateur for the weekend: co-winners Rod Spence & Linda Page, John Caldwell – Junior winner: Heads Up Golden Warrior Prince (Loach), handled by Colin McNicol and owned by Melanie Towell, Graham Tyler – Open winner: Rod Spence & Patch of Skatch (Jazper). Qualifying winner: Anne Everett & Heads Up Sparkle N’ Splash (Zest).

A huge thank you to all our workers, judges, volunteers and landowners. It takes a village! Special thanks to our chairs Kevin Ashfield and Deb Mongomery as well as our trial secretary Linda Page. Also our National judges Darlene Broomhead, Dave Thompson and Colette Prefontaine for taking 5 days out of their lives to come out when they already have 12 days with us later this fall. This is a huge commitment and it shows just how committed to a great National these judges are. We are incredibly lucky to have such great grounds and great people to make it all happen. The Vancouver Island Retriever game continues to grow and thrive and it only happens when all clubs and all dog people regardless of discipline work together.

Bring on Sept and the 2023 National Retriever Championship!

Bob Harman Memorial Trophy

Bob Harman was a mainstay with the Vancouver Island Retriever Club since it’s incorporation in 1964. Bob and wife Sara were charter members of the club and contributed endlessly to the retriever sport until retiring in 2016. Bob wore many hats on the VIRC and BCARTC executive and contributed extensively to the CKC Field Trial Rules & Regulations. Bob & Sara were familiar faces at trials with their Golden Retrievers and always welcoming and mentoring newcomers in the sport.
VIRC has dedicated a memorial trophy to remember Bob and his contributions to the sport and the club, fittingly the bowl for trophy was contributed by Sara. This trophy will be awarded annually to the top Amateur Handler at the VIRC May trial (on the island).