Our AGM is coming up on January 8, so that means memberships for the coming year are due for renewal. Go to Memberships. You can fill out the form online and pay the $25 by e-transfer to viretrieverclub@gmail.com. We won’t be able to get your cheque because of the mail strike, but be sure to fill out the online form if you want to pay later.
You can also submit items for the AGM to Lorne Parker at lorneparker1@hotmail.com
Right now, we’re looking for more nominations for President, Vice President, and picnic chair. We have members willing to stand for VP and picnic chair, but we still need a president. Please contact members of the nominating committee, Linda Page at pip65@shaw.ca or Bill Pearson at bill@homein.ca, if you’re willing to stand or want to nominate someone. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the AGM.
Watch for more info about the Zoom meeting on January 6th, and don’t forget to pay your membership!
Linda Page
VIRC Secretary